As we continue to give you information about Austin Africans, we would like to also provide you with links containing information and news about our homeland Africa and other useful sites.

Please feel free to send us any African news sites or sites that will be helpful to Africans in Austin.

Vanguard: Latest News From Nigeria. You Read it Here First

AllAfrica: The largest electronic distributor of African news and information

BUZZNigeria: News and Entertainment Site about Nigeria

Moneygram: Send and Receive money from anywhere in the world

WesternUnion: Send and Receive money from anywhere in the world

OANDA: Currency Converter- Bank rate to Foreign currencies

VISA LOTTERY: DV-Visa lottery for those African countries that are still playing Visa lottery

TRAVEL NEEDS: U.S department of state for your travel needs

U.S CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SERVICES: United States immigration Website